Havuliekokeiju (Zilora ferruginea)
My name is Matias Mustonen. I am an insect enthusiast and coleopterist from Hyvinkää, Finland. Welcome to visit my website Bugger.
Under my business name, I import a wide range of entomological research supplies, which you can order through Bugger's online shop. Shopkeeping is a part-time hobby for me, which I do alongside my day job. I have sought to build up the range of products in the shop from high quality, mainly European products. Whenever possible, I prefer small entrepreneurs like myself as suppliers. I am gradually expanding my product range within my own resources.
Bugger does not have its own physical shop, but I take orders online. I aim to ship the products within a couple of working days, using mainly Postnord and Posti for domestic deliveries, and other carriers for international orders. Pick-up from Hyvinkää warehouse is also possible. The exact pick-up time and place will be agreed separately.
In addition to the shopkeeping, I also do occasional determination tasks for trap material, pest identification and field surveys. For expert services, please feel free to contact us. I also serve as a board member of the Entomological Society of Finland and the Entomological Society of Tampere. I regularly write about my hobby and research on social media forums. I also share some of my stories here on Bugger's blog page.
I wish you pleasant surfing and interesting bug sightings!
Puolison merkkipäivän kunniaksi vietimme tammikuisen viikon Välimerellä, Gibraltarin niemimaalla. Tuo Britannialle kuuluva muutaman neli...
Hyllyt on ruuvattu paikoilleen, tuotekuvat räpsitty ja ennen kaikkea glögiä lomotettu litratolkulla.